A-level Physics Day

On this page you can find links to the presentations and lab sessions from the A-level Physics Day on the 2nd July 2012.

There are a range of activities provided by the School of Physics and Astronomy designed to support your teaching. You can view these here: http://ph.qmul.ac.uk/outreach/outreach-activities

Morning Talks


Professor Carl Murray Slides

Dr Theo Kreouzis - to follow

Dr Ben Still | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Dr Still's presentation has a large number of images in it, so it was necessary to break it up into parts.


Afternoon Lab Sessions


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9

Exercise 10


Juno Champion

The school holds Juno Champion status, the highest award of this IoP scheme to recognise and reward departments that can demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for both women and men.