Students are registered for the SEFP (Science and Engineering Foundation Programme), the BSc (Bachelor of Science) degree or the MSci (Master in Science) degree.
The SEFP begins with a one-year programme of courses in Science for students whose basic qualifications in mathematics and physics (and chemistry) are insufficient for starting the BSc course. Courses are given in mathematics, physics and chemistry at about A-level standard. On successful completion of this programme students progress into the first-year of the BSc or BEng in the relevant Department. Courses taken from this programme have zero rating and do not contribute to the final degree assessment. The SEFP courses are not available to students on a first year BSc entry, but students who find difficulty with the BSc course may have the option of transferring to the SEFP. Students should discuss this with their adviser. To be effective any change must be made early in the academic year.
The three-year BSc programmes provide a general education in a scientific discipline that fits graduates for entry to a wide variety of careers including those demanding numerical, computational and presentational skills. With appropriate further training (PGCE, MSc etc.) it is a suitable preparation for careers involving the application of basic physical principles.
The four-year MSci programmes enables graduates to practise physics professionally and in particular to pursue careers in research and development. They provide a suitable route for direct entry to a PhD programme in physics or a related discipline.
The first three years of the MSci programmes, and all of the BSc programmes, are taught entirely at Queen Mary. The final year of the MSci is taught by a consortium of London University Colleges including Kings, Royal Holloway and University College, as well as Queen Mary. Admission to the final year of the MSci requires that a student has passed 20 course units (cu) at a sufficient standard. Both BSc and MSci are classified degrees awarding First, Upper Second, Lower Second and Third Class Honours. BSc (but not MSci) students not reaching Honours standard can be awarded an unclassified (Pass) degree.
The BSc and MSci programmes are similar for the first two years. In order to proceed to the third year of an MSci programme, students will normally be required to have passed, at a sufficient level, at least 7 cu at the end of the first year and 14 cu after two years, with an overall mean mark of at least 55%. At the end of the third year, the equivalent requirement is a total of at least 22cu with an overall mean mark of at least 60%. A student not satisfying these requirements will be transferred to a BSc programme. Students in receipt of a mandatory LEA award (this means nearly all UK students) may transfer from BSc to MSci only during the first sixteen months of their course. We therefore advise all students thinking of a future career in physics to register for the MSci initially. For further information and advice please contact the MSci coordinator, Dr G. Travaglini.