The project selection for 2014/15 process is now open and students currently in their second year (all students) and third year (MSci students only) are asked to read through the relevant abstracts and complete the form to list their preferred supervisor. Students are required to list 8 different supervisors in the form. After the exam board meets projects will be allocated based on student marks (students with the higher marks will be given their first choice of supervisor along with their programme of study requirements).
If you do not complete project selection on time you will be allocated a supervisor in early July from the remaining supervisor slots that are still available. This year there are 127 students that need to have projects allocated. Each academic can have no more than 5 students and some may have fewer students depending on their other workload (such as teaching, research grants and administration roles). Therefore we are unlikely to be able to give most students their first choice of supervisor, so please make considered choices for each of your 8 potential supervisors.
We encourage students to talk to potential supervisors before submitting their choices. The form has a section to indicate if you have spoken to a particular member of staff about their project. You are more likely to be allocated a supervisor if you have agreed the project with a supervisor in advance of the allocation.
Note - clicking on the name of the supervisor in the abstract booklets will take you to their webpage so you that you can read research profiles and so forth.
BSc Extended Independent Project abstracts
MSci Physics Review Project (3rd year) abstracts
MSci Physics Research Project and Physics Investigative Project Abstracts
The below form is now open again for students who did not complete project selection by the 13th June deadline or for students who wish to submit a request to change supervisor.