Prof. Jim Lidsey Project Abstracts

Prof. James Lidsey Project Abstracts

BSc Abstracts

Inflationary Cosmology
Early Universe cosmology. This project will discuss the flatness and horizon problems of the standard, Big Bang theory and explain how a period of accelerated expansion (inflation) can resolve these problems. The cosmic dynamics of massive scalar fields that drove inflation will be developed. Observational parameters (that are ultimately determined by particle physics theories) will be derived. The methods for linking such parameters with anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background will be explained and some specific models analyzed. The consequences for inflation of the data from the Planck satellite will be discussed. This project would be suitable for students more interested in the mathematical/theoretical aspects of the field.

Theoretical Aspects of Scalar Field Cosmology Scalar fields are predicted to exist in many cosmological settings, including inflationary and dark energy models. This project will explore some of the mathematical aspects of the field. This will involve an analytical analysis of the field equations of motion that determine the expansion of the universe at both early and late times, specifically the differential equations involved and the techniques that have been developed for finding cosmological solutions.

MSci Review Project Abstracts

Inflationary Cosmology
Inflation is the cornerstone of modern, Early Universe cosmology. This project will explain the problems of the standard Big Bang model, the cosmic dynamics of scalar fields that drove inflation, and explain qualitatively how quantum fluctuations generate the initial conditions that led to the generation of anisotropies in the microwave background.

MSci Research/Investigative Projects

Inflationary Cosmology
Early Universe cosmology. This project will discuss the flatness and horizon problems of the standard, Big Bang theory and explain how a period of accelerated expansion (inflation) can resolve these problems. The cosmic dynamics of massive scalar fields that drove inflation will be developed. Observational parameters (that are ultimately determined by particle physics theories) will be derived. The methods for linking such parameters with anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background will be explained and some specific models analyzed. The consequences for inflation of the data from the Planck satellite will be discussed. This project would be suitable for students more interested in the mathematical/theoretical aspects of the field.

Theoretical Aspects of Scalar Field Cosmology Scalar fields are predicted to exist in many cosmological settings, including inflationary and dark energy models. This project will explore some of the mathematical aspects of the field. This will involve an analytical analysis of the field equations of motion that determine the expansion of the universe at both early and late times, specifically the differential equations involved and the techniques that have been developed for finding cosmological solutions.

Juno Champion

The school holds Juno Champion status, the highest award of this IoP scheme to recognise and reward departments that can demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for both women and men.