Prof. Francesca Di Lodovico Project Abstracts

Prof. Francesca Di Lodovico Project Abstracts

BSc Project Abstracts

CP violation at Hyper-Kamiokande

CP violation in the neutrino sector at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured through the study of the oscillation probability of neutrino and antineutrinos. This project will focus on the study of the selection at the far detector.

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

Mass Hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande

Mass hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured using atmospheric neutrinos. This project will focus on the selection of neutrinos at the far detector

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

MSci Project Abstracts

CP violation at Hyper-Kamiokande

CP violation in the neutrino sector at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured through the study of the oscillation probability of neutrino and antineutrinos. This project will focus on the study of the selection at the far detector.

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

Mass Hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande

Mass hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured using atmospheric neutrinos. This project will focus on the selection of neutrinos at the far detector

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

MSci Research/Investigative Project Abstracts

CP violation at Hyper-Kamiokande

CP violation in the neutrino sector at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured through the study of the oscillation probability of neutrino and antineutrinos. This project will focus on the study of the selection at the far detector.

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

Mass Hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande

Mass hierarchy at Hyper-Kamiokande is measured using atmospheric neutrinos. This project will focus on the selection of neutrinos at the far detector

Requirements: able to use Unix, and programme in  C++, ROOT. 

Juno Champion

The school holds Juno Champion status, the highest award of this IoP scheme to recognise and reward departments that can demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for both women and men.