Prof. David Burgess Project Abstracts
Projects are offered in the general areas of Space Plasma Physics, Plasma Astrophysics, Heliospheric Physics, and Plasma Physics. All the projects involve learning some basic plasma physics, reading current research literature, and some hands-on work involving either data from space missions or computational modelling.
The following projects are offered in all formats: BSc Project, MSci Review Project, MSci Research/Investigative Project. Students are encouraged to develop their own interests, so that they choose the focus of the project. The descriptions below should just be regarded as possible examples of typical projects.
BSc/MSci Project Abstracts
The outer boundary of the heliosphere
The solar wind is a supersonic plasma flow expanding from the sun, and is a prime example of an astrophysical plasma. As the solar wind flows away from the sun it eventually interacts with the local interstellar medium. A number of important boundaries form as the solar wind decelerates including the termination shock and heliopause. This project will investigate what is known from observations by the Voyager and IBEX missions about the outer limits of the heliosphere. The project will require study of some basic plasma physics including basic concepts of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), particle motion in electromagnetic fields and plasma waves. Some analysis of spacecraft data will be performed.
Prerequisites: A high level of understanding of basic electromagnetism, and a good level of mathematical ability especially in vector calculus. Computational expertise is desirable.
Particle acceleration at collisionless plasma shocks
Shock waves are ubiquitous in space and astrophysical plasmas. They form due to obstacles in the flow (e.g., planetary bow shocks) and when there are changes in the flow (e.g., interplanetary shocks, and the heliospheric termination shock). Observations at space shocks show that they are efficient accelerators of energetic particles, and it is thought that most of the galactic cosmic rays can be explained by acceleration at shocks around super nova remnants. This project will require study of some basic plasma physics including concepts of MHD and particle motion in electromagnetic fields. Then particle acceleration at plasma shocks will be studied, reviewing the basic mechanisms and spacecraft observations. Individual work will involve computational modelling of particles interacting with shocks and/or analysis of spacecraft data.
Prerequisites: A high level of understanding of basic electromagnetism, and a good level of mathematical ability especially in vector calculus. Computational expertise is desirable.
Electromagnetic ion beam instabilies in space and astrophysical plasmas
Collisionless plasmas can have particle distribution functions which are very different from Maxwellian, with beams and anisotropies, and these can produce waves via instabilities. Linear kinetic theory shows how wave properties including instability depend on the particle distribution function. Space plasmas have some well-studied examples of waves driven by instabilities due to particle beams, such as upstream of the Earth's bow shock. This project will involve a study of the linearized Vlasov-Maxwell system, and studies of the non-linear evolution of ion beam instabilities using self-consistent plasma simulations. Individual work will involve theoretical study and computational plasma modelling using existing simulation codes. There may also be some scope for analysis of spacecraft data.
Prerequisites: A high level of understanding of basic electromagnetism, and an excellent level of mathematical ability especially in vector calculus. Computational expertise is essential