Prof. Andi Brandhuber Project Abstracts

Prof. Andi Brandhuber Project Abstracts

BSc Project/MSci Review Project Abstracts

Black hole physics
One of the most fascinating objects predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) are black holes and a complete understanding of the quantum physics of black holes remains a challenge for theoretical physics. This project will introduce the student to the basic concepts of black holes, starting with their classical description in terms of solutions of Einstein's equation and a study of geodesic motion in curved backgrounds, moving on to the quantum description and the thermodynamics of black holes. Depending on time the student will study (some of) the following topics:
1) experimental evidence for the existence of black holes
2) Hawking radiation as a quantum mechanical tunnelling effect
3) thermodynamics of black holes in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space
4) gravitational waves                                                                                                                                                      
Prerequisites: Physical Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics A, Mathematical Techniques 3; Co-Requisite: Spacetime and Gravity, Quantum Mechanics B


MSci Research/Investigative Project Abstracts

Black hole physics
One of the most fascinating objects predicted by Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) are black holes and a complete understanding of the quantum physics of black holes remains a challenge for theoretical physics. This project will introduce the student to the basic concepts of black holes, starting with their classical description in terms of solutions of Einstein's equation, moving on to the quantum description and the thermodynamics of black holes. Later stages of the project will also touch on (some of) the following topics: microscopic description of certain black holes using (super)string theory, derivation of black hole radiance as a quantum mechanical tunnelling effect or from quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, thermodynamic phase transitions and black holes in Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space, and gravitational waves. The project may also include a review of the existing  experimental evidence for the existence of black holes. 
(Prerequisites: Physical Dynamcs, Mathematical Techniques 3, Space Time and Gravity, Quantum Mechanics B, Relativistic Waves and Quantum Fields, ideally also a more advanced course on general relativity, experience with Mathematica/Maple is essential)

The S(cattering)-Matrix 

This project aims to introduce students to modern methods to calculate scattering amplitudes in gauge theories and gravity without the use of Feynman rules. Major progress in this field hints at a reformulation of quantum field theory, has produced highly efficient techniques to calculate amplitudes in gravity, supersymmetric theories and the Standard Model, and led to the discovery of novel symmetry principles such dual conformal symmetry. Starting from a thorough study of the consequences of Poincare symmetry and (dual) conformal symmetry, the student will review the most important novel techniques -- recursion relations, MHV diagram and generalised unitarity -- and apply them mainly to supersymmetric theories. 
Pre-requisites Mathematical Techniques 3, Physical Dynamics, Quantum Mechanics B, Quantum Mechanics and Symmetry
Co-requisites: Relativistic Waves and Quantum Fields, Advanced Quantum Field Theory 



Juno Champion

The school holds Juno Champion status, the highest award of this IoP scheme to recognise and reward departments that can demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for both women and men.