Observational Astronomy Projects
BSc Research Project/MSci Research and Investigative Projects
These projects will involve using the astronomical observatory on the roof of G O Jones to undertake astronomical observations. Students will work in small groups and undertake a subset of the following measurements: (i) determine the distances to stellar clusters using colour-magnitude diagrams; (ii) measure the pulsation periods of variable stars (delta scutis, RR Lyrae stars); (iii) measure the orbital periods of eclipsing binary star systems; (iv) detect extrasolar planets that transit in front on nearby stars; (v) measure the spectra of stars of different spectral classes and deduce physical properties; (vi) study time-variable phenomena of solar system bodies, including the Sun, giant planets and their orbiting satellites, and asteroids.
These projects will be overseen by Dr Guillem Anglada-Escude and Prof. Steve Thomas with observational work overseen by PhDs/PDRAs.
A presentation session will be held for students interested in selecting a project in this area.