new module index

In year 4 MSci students take either a 30 credit (PHY912) or 45 credit (PHY400) project and then the remaining 90 or 75 credits are chosen from taught modules as listed in the relevant programme description. Up to date lists and descriptions of optional modules offered by the University of London Intercollegiate MSci in Physics can be found here. .

Module nameCodeY/S
Environmental Remote SensingINK7051U4/A
Relativistic Waves & Quantum FieldsSPA7018U4/A
Stellar Structure and EvolutionSPA7023U4/A
Relativity and Gravitation SPA7019U4/A
Solar SystemSPA7022U4/A
Lie Groups and Lie AlgebrasINK7020U4/A
Theory of Complex NetworksINK7001U4/A
Elements of Statistical LearningINK7003U4/A
Dynamical Analysis of Complex SystemsINK7004U4/A
Mathematical Methods for Theoretical PhysicsINK7022U4/A
Physics at the NanoscaleINR7012U4/A
Computing and Statistical Data AnalysisINR7001U4/A
Particle Accelerator PhysicsINR7003U4/A
Superfluids, Condensates, and SuperconductorsINR7008U4/A
Advanced Quantum TheoryINU7001U4/A
Atom and Photon PhysicsINU7003U4/A
Particle PhysicsINU7017U4/A
Formation and Evolution of Stellar SystemsINU7046U4/A
Phase TransitionsSPA7013U4/A
Research Methods for AstrophysicsSPA7020P4/A
Advanced Condensed MatterINK7067U4/A
Advanced Condensed MatterINK7067P4/A
Cellular BiosphysicsINK7068U4/A
Cellular BiosphysicsINK7068P4/A
Modelling Quantum Many-Body SystemsINU7016U4/A
Modelling Quantum Many-Body SystemsINU7016P4/A
Differential Geometry in Theoretical PhysicsSPA7027U4/A
Physics Research ProjectSPA7016U4/A&B
Physics Investigative ProjectSPA7015U4/A/B
An Introduction to Strings and BranesSPA7032U4/B
Advanced Quantum Field TheorySPA7001U4/B
Advanced PhotonicsINK7048U4/B
Advanced Physical CosmologyINU7056U4/B
Quantum Electronics of NanostructuresINR7015U4/B
Quantum Electronics of NanostructuresINR7015P4/B
Extrasolar Planets and Astrophysical DiscsSPA7009U4/B
The GalaxySPA7010U4/B
Astrophysical PlasmasSPA7004U4/B
Electromagnetic Radiation in AstrophysicsSPA7006U4/B
Equilibrium Analysis of Complex SystemsINK7002U4/B
Mathematical BiologyINK7005U4/B
Standard Model Physics and BeyondINK7032U4/B
String Theory and BranesINK7034U4/B
Theoretical Treatment of Nano-SystemsINK7037U4/B
Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceINR7002U4/B
Statistical MechanicsINR7007U4/B
Solar PhysicsINU7008U4/B
Molecular BiophysicsINU7013U4/B
Molecular PhysicsINU7014U4/B
Order and Excitations in Condensed MatterINU7016U4/B
Quantum Computation and CommunicationINU7022U4/B
Space Plasma and Magnetospheric PhysicsINU7026U4/B
Planetary AtmospheresINU7045U4/B
Electronic Structure MethodsSPA7008U4/B
Functional Methods in Quantum Field TheorySPA7024U4/B
Advanced Topics in Statistical MechanicsINU7076U4/B
Advanced Topics in Statistical MechanicsINU7076P4/B
Advanced CosmologySPA7028U4/B
Collider PhysicsSPA7029U4/B
Supersymmetric Methods in Theoretical PhysicsSPA7031U4/B

Juno Champion

The school holds Juno Champion status, the highest award of this IoP scheme to recognise and reward departments that can demonstrate they have taken action to address the under-representation of women in university physics and to encourage better practice for both women and men.