The Galaxy
The Galaxy (GAL | SPA7010U)
Please consult QMPlus for the authoritative information on this module.This course has its own web page.
Year: 4 | Semester: B | Level: 7 | Credits: 15
Course organiser: Dr Nick Cooper | Course deputy: Prof Richard Nelson
- Synopsis:
- The module considers in detail the basic physical processes that operate in galaxies, using our own Galaxy as a detailed example. This includes the dynamics and interactions of stars, and how their motions can be described mathematically. The interstellar medium is described and models are used to represent how the abundances of chemical elements have changed during the lifetime of the Galaxy. Dark matter can be studied using rotation curves of galaxies, and through the way that gravitational lensing by dark matter affects light. The various topics are then put together to provide an understanding of how the galaxies formed.