Solar System
Solar System (SS | SPA7022U)
Please consult QMPlus for the authoritative information on this module.This course has its own web page.
Year: 4 | Semester: A | Level: 7 | Credits: 15
Course organiser: Prof Carl Murray | Course deputy: Dr Guillem Anglada Escude
- Synopsis:
- As the planetary system most familiar to us, the Solar System presents the best opportunity to study questions about the origin of life and how enormous complexity arise from simple physical systems in general. This course surveys the physical and dynamical properties of the Solar System. It focuses on the formation, evolution, structure, and interaction of the Sun, planets, satellites, rings, asteroids, and comets. The course applies basic physical and mathematical principles needed for the study, such as fluid dynamics, electrodynamics, orbital dynamics, solid mechanics, and elementary differential equations. However, prior knowledge in these topics is not needed, as they will be introduced as required. The course will also include discussions of very recent, exciting developments in the formation of planetary and satellite systems and extrasolar planets (planetary migration, giant impacts, and exoplanetary atmospheres).