Physics Research Project
Physics Research Project (PRP | SPA7016U)
Year: 4 | Semester: A&B | Level: 7 | Credits: 45
Exam: Performance during project (20%), Written Report (50%), Seminars and Final Oral Presentation (30%)Course organiser: Dr Craig Agnor | Course deputy: Dr Mark Baxendale
- Synopsis:
- The student will develop design, experimental, computational or analytical skills through the independent study of a problem in physics. They will learn to write scientific reports summarising results of an independent investigation and placing them in a physics context, and detailing the methods used and the results obtained. The project will run through both semesters and will involve an interim report at the end of semester 1 as well as the final reports at the end of semester 2.
- Outcomes:
- At the end of the project the student will have gained experience in; Carrying out a substantial piece of scientific research independently; Conducting literature surveys and internet searches to obtain specialist information about their project; Presenting a piece of research to an audience in the form of a seminar. Writing a substantial scientific report in the format of a scientific paper describing the research carried out. Writing an internal report enabling others to continue the research subsequently. In the production of these reports the student will use word processing and graphical software packages such as WORD, EXCEL , Mathematica and Sigma Plot as appropriate.
Recommended books:
The student will be expected to read extensively around their project area, including research journals, reviews and textbooks.