Solar Physics
Solar Physics (SolPhy | INU7008U)
Description: 1. Introduction
Presentation of the syllabus and suggested reading, a list of solar parameters and a summary of the topics to be treated during the course. (1)
2. The Solar Interior and Photosphere
Stellar Structure and Evolution. Life history of a star. Equations and results. Conditions for Convection. Arrival of the Sun on the Main Sequence. Nuclear fusion reactions. The Standard Solar Model. Neutrino production and Detection - the neutrino problem. Solar Rotation. Photospheric models and observations. Fraunhofer lines. Chemical composition. Convection and Granulation. Waves and oscillations - Helioseismology or probing the SunUs interior. (12)
3. Solar Magnetic Fields/Solar Activity
Sunspot observations - structure, birth and evolution. Spot temperatures and dynamics. Observations of faculae. Solar magnetism - Sunspot and Photospheric fields. Active Region manifestations and evolution. Solar Magnetic Cycle - Observations and Dynamics. Babcock dynamo model of the solar cycle. Behaviour of flux tubes. Time behaviour of the Sun's magnetic field. (4)
4. The Solar Atmosphere - Chromosphere
Appearance of the Chromosphere - Spicules, mottles and the network. Observed spectrum lines. Element abundances. Temperature profile and energy flux. Models of the Chromosphere. Nature of the Chromosphere and possible heating mechanisms. (4)
5. The Solar Atmosphere - Corona and Solar Wind
Nature and appearance of the corona. Breakdown of LTE. Ionization/ recombination balance and atomic processes. Spectroscopic observations and emission line intensities. Plasma diagnostics using X-ray emission lines. Radio emission. Summary of coronal properties. Discovery of the solar wind. X-ray emission and coronal holes. In-situ measurements and the interplanetary magnetic field structure. Solar wind dynamics. Outline of the Heliosphere. (6)
6. Solar Flares.
Flare observations throughout the solar atmosphere. Thermal and non-thermal phenomena. Particle acceleration and energy transport. Gamma-ray production. Flare models and the role of magnetic fields. (3)
This module is taught at UCL.