Dr Teppei Katori Project Abstracts
BSc Project Abstracts and MSci Research/Investigative Project Abstracts
Test of Lorentz violation with neutrinos
work type = theory
Lorentz symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of both Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and General Relativity (GR). However, ultra high energy theories, such as String Theory, imply a violation of Lorentz symmetry, and a tiny violation could be observable in our energy scale. Therefore, test of Lorentz violation offers a rare opportunity to test Planck-scale physics directly. In an effective field theory approach, Lorentz violation is realized by additional coordinate-dependent couplings with vacuum, and the QFT including Lorentz violation, so-called the “Standard Model Extension (SME)”, is a general formalism to test Lorentz violation. Neutrinos are least known fundamental particles, and their Lorentz violating nature, if it exists, is particularly interesting. In this project, we study QFT and the phenomenology of Lorentz violation with neutrinos in SME formalism, and formulate the new phenomenological expression suitable to test Lorentz symmetry by high intensity long-baseline neutrino experiment, such as T2K in Japan.
Electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) reconstruction for T2K experiment
work type = software development
ECal module is a part of detector being used in T2K neutrino experiment, Japan. The ECal was partially built in Queen Mary, and it was tested at CERN before shipped to Japan. Particle tracks and electromagnetic showers are reconstructed in ECal, to study the nature of neutrino interactions. Now we need a better algorithm to reconstruct lower energy shower-like events. In this project, we examine the detail of track and shower finding algorithm of ECal, and further develop it to identify especially low energy shower events. Low energy shower events are key to understanding neutral pion productions which is one of the largest background for neutrino oscillation search. Therefore, developing the ECal reconstruction algorithm is a critical component of T2K neutrino oscillation program. Basic C++ skill is required.
Atmospheric neutrino study for new physics search in the IceCube experiment
Work type = data analysis, software development
IceCube is the 1 kilometer detector located at the Antarctica, 1 kilometer under the ice. The IceCube detector is so unique and special, and the main goal of IceCube is the detection of ultra high energy neutrinos from the universe. Atmospheric neutrinos are mere backgrounds of such high energy neutrinos. Although we know neutrinos from the atmosphere since 1960’s, there is no comprehensive study to find new physics from atmospheric neutrinos. In this project, we analyze IceCube atmospheric neutrino data to provide kinematic distributions for particle theorists in the world. Well, I am not smart enough to find any new particles from these data, but hopefully some smartest people in the world could find Nobel prize winning physics from data we provide! Basic C++ and/or python skills are required.
Neutrino interaction model development for the IceCube and T2K experiments
work type = data analysis, software development
For particle physics experiments, it is fundamental to understand, and simulate basic interactions. All discoveries (Higgs particle, neutrino oscillation, etc) are based on the knowledge of all known interactions and precise simulation. However, in the reality very few people understand actual interactions in the simulation, and those processes are treated like a "black box” for many physicists. Therefore, people who understand interactions are like “wizards” (meaning people working on something really complicated which nobody understands). This is true for neutrino experiments, too. In this project, I hope you feel you will become a wizard of neutrino experiments! We develop the global neutrino interaction code called “GENIE”. It contributes all neutrino experiments all over the world. I am particularly interested in the development of GENIE hadronization model and atmospheric neutrino simulation for the IceCube experiment at Antarctica. This will improve the sensitivity of IceCube experiment and it’s follower, called PINGU experiment. Basic C++ and/or python skills are required.
MSci Review Project Abstracts
Lorentz and CPT violation
Lorentz symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of both Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and General Relativity (GR). However, ultra high energy theories, such as String Theory, imply a violation of Lorentz symmetry, and a tiny violation could be observable in our energy scale. Therefore, test of Lorentz violation offers a rare opportunity to test Planck scale physics directly. In the effective field theory, Lorentz violation is realized by additional coordinate-dependent couplings with vacuum, and the QFT including Lorentz violation, so-called the “Standard Model Extension (SME)” is a general formalism to test Lorentz violation.
In this project, we study the structure of Lorentz violation. We start from the QFT, then Dirac equation with Lorentz violation (modified Dirac equation), and finally we derive the formula to describe Lorentz violation for neutrinos. There are world-wide efforts to find Lorentz violation in various fields. We also review and study experimental searches of Lorentz violation in various fields.
Neutrino interaction physics
Neutrinos interact with very small probability via weak nuclear force. And detection of neutrino interactions require unique features. Understanding of neutrino interactions is a basis of all neutrino oscillation experiments. In this project, we study basic physics of neutrino interactions, then we review leading neutrino detectors in the world, including T2K near detector which Queen Mary neutrino group actively participates to analyze the data.
Neutrino astrophysics
Neutrinos have special roles to understand the stellar evolution and the cosmology. The type of astrophysical neutrinos detected are limited: from the Sun, from supernova, and perhaps from the nearby galaxies (not confirmed yet). Queen Mary is active member of SNO experiment, a solar neutrino detector located in Canada. In this project, we study the basis of the astrophysics. We also study the particle physics, with a special emphasis on neutrinos. Then we study the role of neutrinos in astrophysics and cosmology. We will also review major neutrino experiments trying to detect astrophysical neutrinos.