Dr Rodolfo Russo Project Abstracts
BSc Abstracts
Kerr Black holes as particle accelerators
The project is based on the paper 0909.0169 by Banados, Silk and West who proposed that spinning black holes can act as particle accelerators of Planckian energy. As an introduction, Schwarzschild's and Kerr's black holes for standard 4D Einstein gravity are reviewed. Then the proposal by Banados et al. is analysed by studying the geodesics in the black hole metric metrics. Prerequisites: Physical Dynamics
Co-requisite: Spacetime and Gravity
MSci Review Project Abstracts
Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.
The project focuses on the simple case of one dimensional theories and provides the basic concepts of what supersymmetry is. As an interesting application of the 1D theory analysed the so-called Witten index will be discussed.
Prerequisite/Co-requisites: QMB and Physical Dynamics
MSci Research/Investigative Project Abstracts
Conformal Field Theory
The aim of the project is to study the basic properties of field theories that are invariant under conformal transformations. Depending on the student interest either some applications to black hole physics or to critical phenomena will be discussed.
Prerequisite/Co-requisites: Physical Dynamics, Relativistic waves and Quantum fields, Functional methods in quantum field theories.