Dr Richard Donnison Project Abstracts
BSc Project Abstracts
The derivation and use of the restricted three-body problem in Astronomy
The restricted three-body problem involves the motion of a body of an infinitesimal mass moving under the gravitational forces of two finite masses. In this project the equations of motion and constants of motion can be derived. These can be applied to a large variety of physical systems in Astronomy both analytically and numerically. In this project the applications would be confined to the Solar System, particularly asteroids, comets and moons or to Extrasolar planetary systems.
MSci Review Project Abstracts
Multiple extrasolar planet systems
Currently 1105 planetary systems have been discovered by various means of detection having 1782 planets. 459 of these systems are multiple planet systems with a variety of planetary masses and separations. In this project particular systems with many planets will be examined and compared, particularly with our own solar system. Possible formation scenarios for the systems will be considered. This is essentially a review but there is obvious scope for originality.
MSci Research/Investigative Project Abstracts
The derivation and use of the restricted three-body problem in Astronomy
The restricted three-body problem involves the motion of a body of an infinitesimal mass moving under the gravitational forces of two finite masses. In this project the equations of motion and constants of motion can be derived. These can be applied to a large variety of physical systems in Astronomy both analytically and numerically. In this project the applications would be confined to the Solar System, particularly asteroids, comets and moons or to Extrasolar planetary systems.