Dr James Cho Project Abstracts
BSc Project Abstracts and MSci Review Project Abstracts
Applications of Abstract Algebra and/or Topology
Candidates will learn and apply abstract algebras (e.g., geometric or Lie algebras) and/or topology to study problems in theoretical physics, astrophysics, fluid dynamics and climate, or engineering and biology in multi-dimensions. Precise problem and scope will be decided mutually after discussion with candidate at the beginning of (or prior to) the project. Prerequisites are good working knowledge of linear algebra and elementary calculus. Computational experience with packages (e.g., Matlab and/or Mathematica) and/or C++ and python helpful, but not absolutely required (as long as there is some interest in performing some computation).
Neutral and MHD Flow Instability Analysis
Candidates will investigate neutral and/or magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow instability problem using analytical and numerical methods. The project will mainly involve eigenvalue analysis. Some knowledge of fluid dynamics, linear algebra, and numerical experience (particularly in Matlab) is helpful. Candidates will perform Matlab coding, set up numerical experiments, and analyze the outputs. Focus will be on understanding jets on or in planets, stars, accretion discs, and fusion devices.
MSci, MSc Research/Investigative Project Abstracts
Applications of Abstract Algebra and/or Topology
Candidates will learn and apply abstract algebras (e.g., geometric or Lie algebras) and/or topology to study problems in theoretical physics, astrophysics, fluid dynamics and climate, or engineering or biology in multi-dimensions. Precise problem and scope will be decided mutually after discussion with candidate at the beginning of (or prior to) the project. Prerequisites are good working knowledge of linear algebra and elementary calculus. Computational experience with packages (e.g., Matlab and/or Mathematica) and/or C++ and python helpful, but not absolutely required (as long as there is some interest in performing some computation).
Neutral and MHD Flow Instability Analysis
Candidates will investigate neutral and/or magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow instability problem using analytical and numerical methods. The project will mainly involve eigenvalue analysis. Some knowledge of fluid dynamics, linear algebra, and numerical experience (particularly in Matlab) is helpful. Candidates will perform Matlab coding, set up numerical experiments, and analyze the outputs. Focus will be on understanding jets on or in planets, stars, accretion discs, and fusion devices.
Neutral and Magnetohydrodynamic Convection Modeling for Planets and Stars
Candidates will learn and apply a state-of-the-art, large-scale numerical code to study the flows in the interior and the atmosphere of planets (including Jupiter and exoplanets) and/or stars. Some knowledge of fluid dynamics and numerical experience (particularly in FORTRAN) is helpful. Candidates will perform numerical experiments, analyze the data, and enhance the existing code. Focus will be on characterizing storms, jet streams, and general global-scale oscillations and variability of planets and stars.