The SEPnet graduate school allows PhD students and Euromasters students the opportunity to attend the lectures (either physically or via videoconference) of other SEPnet nodes.
What follows is a list of such SEPnet lectures organised via research theme.
- The shared SEPnet particle physics lectures can be viewed from Southampton.
- The shared NeXT particle physics lectures can be viewed from Southampton.
- The shared condensed matter lectures can be viewed at Kent.
- The astrophysics lectures can be viewed from Portsmouth.
If you are interested in graduate issues with SEPnet partners, here is a list of contacts (replace at with @) of relevant directors of graduate studies:
Southampton - Peter de Groot
P.A.De-Groot [at]
Sussex - Lisa Falk
e.falk [at]
Portsmouth - David Bacon
David.Bacon [at]
Surrey - Phil Walke
P.Walker [at]
Kent - Michael Smith
M.D.Smith [at]
Queen Mary - Kostya Trachenko
k.trachenko [at]